Design Zone and Knowledge

Jak wspomagać efekty fizjoterapii ?

How to support the effects of physiotherapy?

This text is a kind of guide to a resolution that can positively affect the quality of life. Everyone is usually attracted to a desk with an adjustable top after...

How to support the effects of physiotherapy?

This text is a kind of guide to a resolution that can positively affect the quality of life. Everyone is usually attracted to a desk with an adjustable top after...

Koncentracja w pracy przy biurku. Jak utrzymać ją na stałym poziomie?

Concentration while working at a desk. How to k...

Currently, when all information is available at our fingertips and stimuli reach us constantly, concentration has been considered the so-called Ultimate . This is how Eric Barker, author of business...

Concentration while working at a desk. How to k...

Currently, when all information is available at our fingertips and stimuli reach us constantly, concentration has been considered the so-called Ultimate . This is how Eric Barker, author of business...

Hot desking. Wady i zalety.

Hot desking. Advantages and disadvantages.

Work in the office has entered a new direction. Virtually everyone has realized that most duties can be performed remotely. At the same time, however, there is a growing trend...

Hot desking. Advantages and disadvantages.

Work in the office has entered a new direction. Virtually everyone has realized that most duties can be performed remotely. At the same time, however, there is a growing trend...

Praca przy biurku elektrycznym. Cztery największe korzyści.

Working at an electric desk. The four biggest b...

Why is it worth changing your working position from sitting to standing? How does our body react when we sit for too long? Why is it worth using electrically adjustable...

Working at an electric desk. The four biggest b...

Why is it worth changing your working position from sitting to standing? How does our body react when we sit for too long? Why is it worth using electrically adjustable...

Przyszłość pracy w biurze. Czy warto inwestować w biurka?

The future of office work. Is it worth investin...

The future of office work. Is it worth investing in desks? The times we live in are constantly changing every aspect of our lives. Improvements are being made in almost...

The future of office work. Is it worth investin...

The future of office work. Is it worth investing in desks? The times we live in are constantly changing every aspect of our lives. Improvements are being made in almost...

Jak złagodzić ból kręgosłupa lędźwiowego?

How to relieve lumbar spine pain?

"Burning in the small of your back", pain when bending, numb legs... Do you feel like your back has had enough? Learn 7 ways to relieve lumbar spine pain. What...

How to relieve lumbar spine pain?

"Burning in the small of your back", pain when bending, numb legs... Do you feel like your back has had enough? Learn 7 ways to relieve lumbar spine pain. What...